Monday, October 15

pumpkin seeds

Matt and I had fun with pumpkins on Saturday, We carved them and roasted/toasted the seeds. It was a nice day to sit in the grass. They are not handling the warm temps real well, drying out and getting funny looking, but perhaps that makes them more halloweeney.
I had my first okra cooking experience last week. (ominous dun dun dunnnns) but it was pretty good. They came in our CSA so I figured I should cook them up right away, otherwise I probably would have "forgot" about them. I roasted them in the oven with radishes and zucchini, and ate them with cheesy herbed polenta. I'm sporting a nasty burn on my wrist from the polenta, but it turned out tasty.


Unknown said...


thanks for the smiles, it was a perfect day for such a treat - but, which pumpkin did Eppie do??! heehee

Anonymous said...

SOooo Cute!!!!

Tabitha said...

I've never tried to make polenta yet - seems tricky..