Monday, September 21

Squash Molds with Star Aniseed Custard

The Squash Celebrated In Recipes From Ancient Times To The Present by Arneo Nizzoli
Cookbook 40, Recipe 1 (Total 82)

I have been wanting to cook out of this cookbook since Ma purchased it for me about a year ago from Half Price.

Did I like it? I'm sad to report a complete and abject failure! It seems I can not make custard. If you've been following this blog you will know that my only other complete failure was the Norwegian Lemon Custard. When it comes to cream puff and custard - I just don't have the skills.

Original Recipe: Do not try this - It completely failed.

What do you do with a bunch of runny "Squash Molds" (which are really baked custard) and more runny "Star Aniseed Custard". Make a cocktail and call it a day! After tossing out three attempts with rum, I switched to gin and found a winning match.

Recipe: 1 Part Aviator Gin, 2 Parts runny Star Aniseed Custard and 5 parts runny squash mold. Shake with ice and serve.

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