Tuesday, June 2

Sweet Potato Waffles

The Victory Garden Cookbook by Marian Morash
Cookbook 23, Recipe 2 (Total 49)

I feel no shame in eating breakfast food for dinner.

Did I like it? Yet again, this recipe produced a much lighter product than I was expecting. Since there was no added sugar the waffles turned out just savory enough to enjoy with maple syrup (Grade B!).

Bake one sweet potato (I used my personal favorite: red garnet). It should equal about 1 cup mashed. Add to the mashed sweet potatoes: 3 egg yolks, 1 cup of milk and 1/4 cup of melted butter. Then stir in 1.5 cups of flour which has been mixed with 2 tsp baking powder and 1 tsp salt. Beat three egg whites to soft peaks and fold into sweet potato mixture. Cook in a waffle iron.