Tuesday, June 9

Crisp Peppery Kohlrabi-Carrot Slaw with Dill and Anise

Vegetables from Amaranth to Zucchini The Essential Reference 500 Recipes & 275 Photographs, by Elizabeth Schneider
Cookbook 24, Recipe 2 (Total 51)

I bring lunch to work about 99% of the time - usually in a Kerr jar. The majority of the food I bring is homemade or leftovers. I occasionally go on an Amy's frozen food stint.

Did I like it? Yes. The pepper really comes through even though it's strained out. I was impressed by it's subtle bite.

Recipe: The night before: Cut 4 small kohlrabi's into small julienne slices. Place in a strainer and toss with 1.5 tsp salt. Let this sit for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes rinse and then dry.
Meanwhile, toast 1 tsp anise seed and 1/2 tsp coarse ground pepper. Add 1.5 T canola oil and 1 sliced garlic clove. Heat until garlic clove begins to color. Let steep.
Peel 2 carrots and then continue to use the peeler to create thin slices. Place carrots into a bowl with 1 T rice vinegar, kohlrabi and into this mixture strain the canola oil. Divide mixture between two Kerr jars. In the morning add 1 T chopped dill.

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