I purchased my annual pumpkin footstool at the Farmers Market yesterday. It's also strong enough to sit on but I don't like to push my luck...
Both jams were made today. In the middle of processing I always wonder why I make them - so much work for things I can't eat even 5% of and give away anyway. I always come to the same conclusion - I make them because I can't get that taste or flavor anywhere else. In the end it is worth it - espically the peach lemon verbena.
wow! that squash is most awesome! does it have a name like last years'? I picked up a hubbard at the market on saturday. How long should I let it sit?
Yep, Tabi I ask myself the same question sometime but it's usually after my kitchen is turned into a disaster and through wanton carelessness I've just ruined something that could have been great. Speaking of, the grocery check-out dude had a great laugh got out his pen to write down something I said in the course of our transaction. That being, "I don't have the patience not to ruin something the first time around."
Hey Epp I kept my Jarradahl (hubbard type) until march and I think it just improved over time. Hold on to it at least until Dec. I'd say.
but Tab just think of the joy your jam brings to others! I don't think I've tried lemon verbena peach! i'll trade you that for my ginger plum. say what's the one next to the peach?
I agree on both counts - I don't have enough time to waste ruining something the first time around and it is worth bringing joy to others as well.
I agree with Rachel - December would be great. One month is the absolute minimum - three months is that much sweeter (literally).
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