Behold. My first cheese.
It wasn't too hard. Not that I followed directions or knew what I was doing or that it is actually any specific kind of cheese. But it's good. In theory, it's a brie. But that's rediculous. It's more like a feta. And I don't have a ripening cave to make it into a brie. Not that I sterilized things or let the rennet set for the right amount of time or finished it in an entirely sober state. So the USDA has me a bit worried that I'll die tomorrow if I eat it. It was made with raw milk.
Some friends came over shortly after I added the rennet and we had dinner (the leftovers are still sitting on the table shot below- indian-style potatoes in tomato sauce). We had wine. Then I realized my curds were still sitting in the whey. Heh heh. in the way. Ok, this is too much fun.
I'm soo jealous!!! I hope it's good. I have to start my cheese now. My problem is wanting to start the "cave aged" now. I'll start looking for an old apartment refridge someone wants to get rid of.
It's a little hard to eat the food the USDA makes you nervous about. I'm still a little squeamish about my cheery jam with possible cyanide - it's soooo yummy but I'm afraid to eat more than 1/2 a teaspoon full. I wish there was a test to see if there really is much cyanide in it from the cherry pits.
Nice! i still keep meaning to try some paneer, but I never remember the night before I want to eat it.
Paneer Recipe in 2 hours from 1,000 Vegetarian Recipes
2 quarts milk
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice.
Heate milk to a boil - stir in lemon juice until mixture forms curds. Strain through three layers of cheesecloth. Squeeze out as much liquid as possible. Suspend the cheese over a containter and let drip for 1 hour. Remove cheese from cheesecloth - wrap in waxed paper or plastic wrap and place under a heavy weight (like a book) for 1/2 hr.
I make two quarts of yogurt per week now with my gallon of raw milk. So I am looking for uses for it- I turn one quart into yogurt cheese generally. You just strain it through cheese cloth- it tastes just like cream cheese. I mix it with olives or honey and lavendar or whatever...
It's a good "cheese" too!
Thanks for the paneer recipe Tabi, I will try that soon.
Rachel, your raw milk yogurt sounds so fun! did you order a starter or just add some store bought yogurt? Would it work with regular milk?
Hey Epp,
I use a 6 oz carton of Brown Cow as starter. I could use some of my previously made yogurt but it will go foul over successive batches. And I like the brown cow flavor. I could also get cultures but you know the range of flavors plain yogurt can have and I don't know what I'd be getting if I bought culture. Brown cow ain't broke.
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