Some of today's farmers market haul as well as my raising bread. There are three types of plums purchased from two seperate vendors. Pears from the farmer I call the norwegian bacherlor farmer - he's always in overalls. A red peper and a lovely bouqet of basil. The bread in the bowl is Potato Bread from The Wooden Spoon Bread Book.
I bought a truly unbelievable pepper from the market the other day- an italian heirloom roasting pepper with 3/4 inch thick walls, weighing like a pound and sooo tasty- flavorful, slightly spicey, so good. One pepper roasted and I had 2 omlettes, 2 sandwiches and a salad.
3/4 inch walls - 1 lb!! I've never seen or heard of a pepper that huge! If you have time you should get a couple and roast them for me and cover with olive oil - that'll keep it untill I see you.
I will try to do that! The farmer dude has been to Italy as part of the Terre Madre Slow Food thingy ya know? He got the seed there. And he's super nice- a great guy and great farmer. The peppers cost $3 each and are worth it.
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