The other night we made fish tacos and krispy kale for dinner. (the krispy kale was great Rach! all flamage was avoided) We made a black bean and corn salad to go with the fish. Tasty tasty dinner.
Dessert was punkin pie! It matches rachels virtuous souffle. I lost the rubber ring for the blender, so we put the pumpkin through a ricer. Some of the squashes I have squish right through it, but the pie pumpkin I had was crazy stringy so it would barely go through the ricer. And sometimes because we were pushing so hard to get it through, some bits of pumpkin would make it through and go flying. Anyway, good fun. We ended up with a tasty pumpkin pie, definitely more texture than canned pumpkin, but the flavor was excellent. And pie, as always, is an awesome breakfast
I'm so glad you liked it- it looks great! Krispy and kurly. heheh.
Oh, and yeah I don't have good luck with pie pumpkin at all- always stringy, never too flavorful. squash works just as well for me though
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