Last week Stephen served omelets for breakfast with a topping of canned artichoke, avocado, scallion, garlic, and onion blitzed together in the food processor (all raw) that was delicious.
Work was not so interesting today and I got to thinking about the frozen artichokes in the freezer and the avocado on the counter top. So I made an interesting dinner.

For the filling: blitz a large handful of parsley, 1 T capers along with a nice amount of their brine, and some pickled ramps. Add 1 pgk frozen artichokes steamed (although having now used them I like the canned version better), 1/4 cup ricotta cheese, a T of your preferred vinegar (not balsamic though) salt, and pepper - blitz together.
Roll out your preferred pasta and stuff accordingly.
Meanwhile simmer 1 cup of white wine (something citrus) down to 1/2 cup - keep warm. When the ravioli is cooked - add it to 1 mashed avocado and a bunch of chopped basil.
I don't want this everyday but it was interesting.
that sounds delightful!
We've never been the biggest avocado fans, either... but this recipe is worth taking a second look! We just might have to rethink our anti-avocado stance to try this. Definitely enticing!
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